天津列举网 > 商务服务 > 公司注册/年检 > 商标注册,商标转让,商标变更,天津专利张老师


更新时间:2015-08-25 13:47:49 浏览次数:115次
区域: 天津 > 南开 >
天津专利张老师Q Q 7 9 8 6 O 6 7 3 3
*天津专利张老师*是专业为客户提供专利申请、国内外商标注册、境外公司注册、香港公司注册、天津北京公司注册等综合性 服务的一位老师,致力于以专业的精神、负责的态度为客户提供优质的服务。
●境外公司注册:专业注册美国公司、英国公司、维尔京公司、开曼公司、海外公司 ,变更、年审、报税、开设离岸账户、商务秘书服务等;


"Tianjin Patent Teacher Zhang " is a teacher who is professional for customers to provide comprehensive service such as patent applications, domestic trademark registration , offshore companies registration, Hong Kong companies registration, company registration in Beijing and Tianjin. This teacher is committed to the professional spirit, responsible attitude to provide customers with quality service.
Company service scope is as follows:
Low risk of trademark registration: application, alteration, transfer, renewal, licensing for the record, dissent application and defense, dismiss the reexamination, trademark monitoring, trademark disputes, tort litigation, etc.;
Patent application, patent express processing: involving computer software, chemistry, biology, medicine, textile and other fields;
Company registration: company registered in Tianjin,Shanghai, Beijing company registration, bookkeeping, tax, etc
Overseas company registration: professional registered the United States, Britain, virgin companies, the cayman company and overseas companies, changes, careful, declare dutiable goods, for offshore accounts, business secretarial services, etc;
Hong Kong company registration: professional registered Hong Kong company, alteration, careful, tax, business secretarial services, etc.;
International trademark registration: Hong Kong registered trademarks, Madrid trademark, the trademark, the trademark, the United States, Japan, France a trademark logo, etc.;
Copyright protection: involving computer software, art, literature, photography, film and television works, etc.;
Integrated circuit design registration, etc
Other: qualification certification including ISO9000, CCC, QS, etc; 400 hotline; WeChat client, etc.
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